Friday, 27 March 2015


Imagine this.

You are under a spell.

A dream spell.

Tonight, when you sleep,

Your dream will come true.

Beware, be careful.

It may lead to your demise,

Or your happiness.

Sleep well.



Thursday, 19 March 2015

Random Fun Facts #11-15!

Here are more fun facts! (yeah)

RFFs #11-15 (ft. Dolphins)

#11.  Dolphins don't drink water from the oceans (do not drink salt water)

#12.  Dolphins get their water from their food \killsteal/

#13.  Dolphins sleep with half a brain awake  \o-o/

#14.  Dolphins are mammals, so they have a blowhole instead   :P

#15.  Dolphins like to stay in groups, which are called pods. (pod of dolphins!)

RFFs here!

Monday, 9 March 2015

Randtreme Dictionary #2

Here are more new words :D :D
Mopato xD

Mopato || Pronounced as: Moh - Pei - Tou

Meaning: A Fusion of Tomato and Potato :D

Common Phrases: Mopato Mopato


Ezat || Pronounced as: Ee - Zedd

Meaning: Easy, just another sweg way of saying it (refer to thug lyfe)

Common Phrases: Too Ezat  ^o^


Geniat || Pronounced as:  Gee - Niat

Meaning: Genius, similar to Genus, (Genus Species)

Common Phrases: Geniat niat niat niat niat niat niat....

Anyways, heres thug lyfe as requested:



......Thug Lyfe everyday